A 19-year-old B.Com student from Rajajinagar ended her life on Friday, allegedly after being cheated by a classmate who lured her into an online game investment scam and made away with gold valuables worth ₹15 lakh.
The Rajajinagar police have registered a case of abetment to suicide based on a complaint filed by Bharath Kumar, a businessman.
According to the police, Priyanka B. was convinced by her classmate, identified as Diganth, to invest in an online gaming scheme that promised double returns. Trusting him, she took gold worth ₹15 lakh from her home and handed it over to him. However, Diganth allegedly began avoiding her, refused to return the gold, and even denied having received it.
Distraught over the betrayal, Priyanka ended her life on Friday while her father was away on a business trip. The incident came to light when family members discovered a suicide note in which she reportedly named Diganth as the reason for her decision.
The police are conducting further investigations into the matter.
(Those in distress or those having suicidal tendencies can call Arogya Sahayavani Ph.: 104 for help.)
Published – December 03, 2024 08:01 am IST
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