The New York Times Makes A Big Mistake And Attacks Biden’s DNC Speech

President Biden’s DNC speech has been met with nearly universal praise, except by The New York Times, which chose to put a negative spin on it.

This was how The Times treated Biden’s speech:

Of course, the #BrokenTimes chooses to cast Biden’s speech & the convention in a negative light. He gave the speech he deserved and earned, not defending his record but defending democracy. And why focus on Hillary’s failure when she energized the night? 1/

— Jeff (Gutenberg Parenthesis) Jarvis (@jeffjarvis) August 20, 2024

Let this be a lesson to all you future Presidents, if you deny the New York Times a one-on-one interview, they will shit on you every chance they get …

— scary lawyerguy (@scarylawyerguy) August 20, 2024

The New York Times is still mad that Biden hasn’t given them an exclusive one on one interview.

Biden didn’t treat The Times as special, and they still can’t let it go.

There is also the issue of The Times being in the tank for Trump. The bosses at the paper badly want Trump back because he constantly elevates them. Trump is 78 years old, so he has a very outdated view of which media outlets are the most important. In many ways, Trump is stuck in his glory days of the 1980s, so he thinks places like CNN and The New York Times are the most relevant.

The rest of the media has praised Biden’s speech for being a rare public selfless act in politics. Biden gained nothing from stepping aside from the campaign. He didn’t get to end his storied political career on his own terms, but he did it for the good of the country.

By not publicly acknowledging this widely held view, The New York Times reveals its true agenda and news consumers should treat this pro-Trump/anti-democracy stance accordingly.

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