Morning Joe: It’s a New Democratic Party… It’s Hard to Beat That

MSNBC’s Morning Joe hosts discussed the huge changes they’re seeing in the Democratic Party after night 3 of the DNC, pointing out that the party that used to be easy to beat is now on the offense and turning weaknesses into strengths which is hard to beat.


WILLIE GEIST: Talking last night about immigration Senator Chris Murphy, who was one of the co-authors of that legislation that Donald Trump

killed, along with James Lankford of Oklahoma, the Republican there, he came out and said, We worked hard for months and months and months. We got the deal Republicans said they wanted we presented it to them, and Donald Trump came in and killed the bill. Kamala Harris says, I will sign that bill when I become president. Going hard. Very interesting. This is an issue that Donald Trump thinks he has on Democrats. And the Democrats last night say, no, actually, you killed that bill. We are going to be on the offensive on immigration.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Yeah. I mean, it’s a New Democratic Party. There’s a different type of Democratic Party than the type that I ran against. I mean, you know, they were always very easy to go after and that, like, you know, sort of run around in circles. And they were for the war before they were against the war. They were this. They were that. You take an issue that they were nervous about and then run away from it and you just, it would be just easy, easy to run against them.

Now they’re doing exactly what you’re supposed to do, take the issue that’s your weakness, make it your strength, and go straight at them with it. And it’s hard to beat that.

Republicans went along with Donald Trump tanking the most conservative bill Republicans were ever going to get on the border because they believed it would be a cudgel they could use against Democrats. But now the shoe is on the other foot.

Not only have southern border crossings plunged 56% recently due to actions taken by President Joe Biden and his administration, but Democratic nominee for President Vice President Kamala Harris has promised to sign that conservative border bill into law if she is elected.

Harris literally took Trump’s biggest political fear-mongering tool (remember the caravans? They magically come back every election) and turned it against him.

It’s not just the border, either. It’s the way this Democratic Party moves, is reclaiming patriotism (sans nationalism, by the way) and love for country and neighbor. The DNC has had several Republicans and Independents making the case to people like them that voting for Harris-Walz is love of country, thereby creating the permission structure for people who might culturally feel obligated to vote for Trump-Vance to reconsider their own personal values.

The Democratic Party has changed — not in its values, but in its messaging. The party that has always been beaten up on the campaign trail by glib bumper sticker slogans often by bad faith actors is finally here to fight tough, fight hard, and win for the people…

Just in time to take on encroaching fascism.

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