Annual Walking with Dinosaurs Exhibit Set to Return to Harrison County Parks and Recreation Facility

Harrison County Parks and Recreation will host its annual Walking with Dinosaurs Exhibit. This year’s theme, “Count Down to Extinction, The Beginning of a New Era,” promises to be an intriguing adventure into the prehistoric eras, while simultaneously exploring the mysterious legend of Bigfoot. 


“Although many people believe that Bigfoot is nothing more than legend and folk lore, others believe Bigfoot could be linked to prehistoric giant apes like “Gigantopithecus,” that lived in Asia millions of years ago.” said Director Mike Book. “We thought it would be interesting to explore that theory as part of our exhibit this year.” 


Book, who has orchestrated the event for over a decade, has seen it grow and evolve into something bigger and better each year.


“Information and discoveries are published every day, so even though we are looking into the past, we are constantly learning new things to share at out exhibits,” Book said.


Harrison County Parks & Recreation has worked with Prehistoric Planet in Barrackville over a 13-year period to consistently bring museum quality displays and interactive activities to Clarksburg, Harrison County, and the region.

The exhibit, which is funded under the Vital Service Levy, will open its doors to the public beginning March 15 and will be open on Wednesdays 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. and weekends from noon to 4 p.m. through April 12. Admission is free.


Groups and organizations may schedule tours by emailing


The exhibit will be held at the Harrison County Recreation Complex at 43 Recreation Drive, Clarksburg on Route 19 South across from Sunny Croft Golf Course. 


If you would like information about the exhibit, you can reach the Parks and Recreation Department Monday throurgh Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. by calling 304-423-7800.


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