“When we take space that was for cars and it becomes a park, it is always successful,” said state Sen. Scott Wiener, long a champion of pedestrianization projects. He mentioned Patricia’s Green in Hayes Valley, Crissy Field, and, most recently, JFK Promenade in Golden Gate Park as examples.
The 2020 closure of the Great Highway to cars was one of several efforts to give residents more outdoor recreation space during the early pandemic, and voters approved a permanent park by passing Proposition K in November. In December, the park won state approval.
But the initiative remains divisive. While voters passed the ballot measure by a 10-point margin, nearly every precinct in the western half of the city voted against the closure, and No on K demonstrators made themselves heard at both the Proposition K victory party and Saturday’s press conference.
Even among those who support the park, there are disagreements about the specifics of the plan. Resident Mike Nohr, 62, said he was against any art installations that might obscure his view of the waves.
“People should be able to come out and just enjoy the ocean,” Nohr said.
The post Great Highway park opens April 12, and the public gets to name it appeared first on World Online.