Orientation Pathway’s second meeting at La Scuola D’Italia

On Jan. 31, the School of Italy hosted a valuable educational session for 8th grade students, focusing on career opportunities in medicine. The meeting, part of the Orientation Pathway project, featured Dr. Andy Jagoda, a well-known emergency physician, who shared his professional experience with the students and offered insights and ideas for their future. Jagoda served for several years in the U.S. Navy, later embarking on a prestigious career as a lecturer at the Icahn School of Medicine.

During his presentation, Dr. Jagoda emphasized the importance of exploring different career options before embarking on a specific course of study. “The goal of this session was to introduce students to various career paths,” he said. “We tried to show them how to approach discovering their passions and skills, and to make them understand that there are multiple paths to take in the world of medicine.” It is an approach aimed at piquing young people’s interest and getting them to reflect on their own career inclinations, suggesting that they start by exploring and researching what they are really passionate about.

The meeting was interactive in nature, with Dr. Jagoda sharing not only his career, but also experiences that have had a significant impact on his life. “It’s not just about academic training,” he added, “but also about lived experiences and encounters that mark you, such as those with my colleagues and students.” The nvitation is to consider medicine as a discipline that not only requires technical skills, but also great passion and dedication.

Tiziana Palmisano, who coordinated the event, explained the project in detail, pointing out that it was only one of 10 seminars scheduled through May. “We thought it was important to organize these meetings, with prominent guests, to give young people a clearer idea of possible professional careers,” she said. In fact, the Orientation Pathway project aims to help students better understand future opportunities, both through theoretical seminars and practical experiences. “Students will have the chance to explore various professional fields through collaboration with companies and hospitals,” Palmisano added.

The January 31 meeting was the second Orientation Pathway meeting, but the program will not be limited to this year, extending into the 2025-26 academic year. During the coming school year, students will participate in orientation pathways that will include hands-on activities at health care facilities and local businesses to give them a concrete view of the world of work. “These pathways are designed to sharpen students’ soft skills,” Palmisano explained.

The meeting was a great success among the students, who appreciated not only the practical information about medicine, but also the opportunity to interact with an expert in the field such as Dr. Jagoda. His presence was an inspiration to many, who had the opportunity to ask for advice and thoughts on how to pursue a career in medicine. Not only emergency medicine, but also research, education and academic development were topics covered, highlighting how a career in medicine offers countless directions.

The article The second Orientation Pathway meeting at La Scuola D’Italia comes from TheNewyorker.

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