Chief Minister M.K. Stalin on Saturday said participating in any event in the Kolathur Assembly constituency was special to him even though he took part in a lot of functions on a daily basis. “It is an event with my people and it is special. I have come here after attending a busy Assembly session,” he said while participating in the Pongal festival in the constituency. Mr. Stalin said the people of the constituency offered him energy and relaxation. “What could be happier than celebrating Pongal, the festival of Tamils, with you,” he said. The Chief Minister said Pongal and the DMK were inseparable since the festival transcends caste and religion. “It [Pongal] only celebrates labour. It is a festival that is closely associated with the valour and culture of the Tamils,” he said..
Published – January 12, 2025 01:11 am IST
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